About Us
Achieved 500 million global downloads
Springcoms was established in 2016, and mobile games can be enjoyed by anyone anytime, anywhere.With the belief that we should be able to We are servicing
various genres of mobile games all over the world.
Springcoms is a game publisher and developer,
We will grow together through partnership and bring joy to users around the world.
A little more fun in the wider world.
Start with a small game and make it easy and stable no matter where you play in any country in the world.
We will create games with the spirit of craftsmen so that you can enjoy them.
CEO of SpringcomsSeongyoung Seo
We make games everyone loves

strives to make
games that many
people will love”
Global Download
500 million global downloads
500 million cumulative downloads worldwide
competitiveness has been verified.
Recognized by global users
2.5 million dau+ with development power and stability
is maintaining.
Recruitment Inquiry
Everything in everyday life is a game
Just as fun is a factor, so is work.
I wish you fun and freedom as if you were playing a game
welfare system
Lunch expenses other than salary. Welfare expenses provided
Half-half (2 hours) system implementation
Free operation of in-house cafeteria
Support for congratulations and condolences
Support for comprehensive health check-up for one person accompanied by family (two-year system)
Recruitment inquiry
Talent to grow with Springcoms
We are recruiting. via the link below
Thank you for your inquiry.
Directions | Tel | Fax | Adress | |
070-4115-8450 | 0504-312-8458 | biz@spcomes.com | E&C VentureDreamTower5 1201-1, Digital-ro31gil 53, Guro-gu, Seoul Springcomes |